Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Vemma creates new financial wealth watch video

Watch now as Eric Thomas the Hip Hop Preacher interviews Vemma Star Platinum Brand Partner Noelle Rapisarda for this episode of YPR Radio. This 23-year-old Brand Partner was introduced to Vemma and Verve by her good friend Jovana Stewart when a Facebook post caught her eye. Listen now as Noelle shares her secrets to making money with Verve, and helping others with the Vemma opportunity. Joining Noelle and Eric on the call are Logan Holle and Andy Workman. The greatest piece of advice Noelle can give to the brand partners who are just starting the business is to not give up; don't ever give up. She says you are going to run into a lot of people who are going to tell you that you're crazy, it's never going to work for you, don't waste your time with one of "those things." Noelle goes on to say "People love to hate on people who take a chance in life, who aren't afraid to do something different. They hate mainly because they are too afraid to do it themselves. But you need to have thick skin, ignore anyone who isn't supportive and believe in yourself that you are going to not only make it work, but you're going to build a million dollar business. Lastly, do not get discouraged if people quit. My favorite quote is, "Many who started with you may not finish with you -- GO ANYWAY." You cannot be influenced by other people or their decisions -- stay positive, stay plugged in, stay excited, and mainly...dream big!" Be phenomenal, or be forgotten! Don't let haters steer you away from greatness!

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